Here you will find the content of the website in plain language.
There are also difficult words in plain language.
These words are written in italic.
They are explained in more detail.
openCode is a website. This website belongs to the government in Germany.
Here people exchange information about special computer programs.
These programs are called open-source-software.
This means that anyone can use and modify these programs.
Many people have launched the openCode website.
For example, the Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat.
And the states of Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia.
People who work in administration meet on our website.
And people who develop computer programs.
Together, they are making Germany more digital.
This means that they are using more computers and the Internet for their work.
There are many projects on the openCode website.
To be precise: more than 1,900 projects.
There are also documentations.
These are texts that explain how a computer program works.
And there are consultations.
This means that you can ask questions and get answers.
The openCode website improves administration.
It can do more with computers and the internet.
This is called Digital Sovereignty.
It means that the administration can decide for itself how it uses digital things.
It can also decide what should be done with its data.
We need a modern administration.
This administration must be digital.
This means that it must be able to handle computers and the Internet well.
For this we need openCode.
openCode is like a place on the Internet.
You can find special computer programs on this site.
Anyone can use these programs.
And anyone can improve them.
With openCode, we can also work better together.
Every administration can share its good ideas.
So we don't have to start from scratch again and again.
And we can find the best solutions together.
That saves time and money.
And it makes everything clearer.
openCode makes administration digital.
You can help us with this.
Do you have a problem?
Perhaps there is already a solution.
Take a look at our computer programs.
Perhaps you will find a solution there.
Share your work.
Have you already done something on the computer?
Share it with other people.
That way, other people can learn from it too.
Talk to experts.
There are people at OpenCode who know a lot.
You can talk to them.
They can help you.
The openCode team works at ZenDiS.
The team makes the website better and helps with questions.
We have regular meetings and consultation hours.
You can get to know us and talk to us.
You can tell us what you need or want to know.
You can also post in the discussion forum.
We will also help you there.
Or you can write an e-mail to
Soon there will be more information here in Simple language.
Please be patient!
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