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An eID process is always carried out with an eID server. This process requires authorization in the form of a certificate issued by the German issuing office for authorization certificates (BVA). A step-by-step guide can be found here. You can obtain further information from your eID server provider, such as Governikus. Please see the usage PDF available for each release on OpenCoDE.
Configuration The principle for the configuration is the same for both variants:
A configuration is required for the respective protocol. The configuration is defined with an interface. The implementation of the configuration interface is then given to the respective classes for the start and completion of eID identifications. Please contact your eID server operator for the necessary configuration information.
SAML For SAML these classes are
- `SamlConfiguration` defining the necessary configuration to use SAML. - `SamlRequestGenerator` for creating SAML requests. - `SamlResponseHandler` for parsing incoming SAML responses.
SOAP For SOAP these classes are
- `SoapConfiguration` defining the necessary configuration to use SOAP. - `SoapHandler` for requesting a TC-Token and the result.
Information to be requested For both protocols, the required information is defined via a RequestData object as follows:
`RequestData requestData = new RequestData() .givenNames(true) .familyNames(true) .ageVerification(true, 18);`
In this case, only a small choice is requested.
SAML During an eID identification process via SAML, a SAML request is transmitted to the eID server via a redirect of the user. The server then performs the eID process and forwards the SAML result back to the service provider.
SOAP With SOAP, the service provider initiates the eID process with the server. After the eID process is completed, the service provider receives a response to an HTTP endpoint. The service provider retrieves the result of the eID process from the server after this signal.
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