Practical use


Introduction to our badge program

openCode checks public software projects according to certain criteria and generates badges on this basis. The badges are displayed in the software directory and show the qualities of the project in terms of security, maintenance and reuse.

Each badge is based on a set of criteria that the software project must fulfill in order to receive the badge:

Active maintenance badge Kopiert!

Level 1: Active maintenance

The project meets the minimum requirements for a maintained project. It is developed further and problems are responded to quickly. The following criteria apply:

  • At least 5 commits (versioned code changes in the last 6 months).
  • The response time for issues / tickets that have arisen in the last three months is less than 7 days.

Level 2: Reliable maintenance

The project meets the requirements for a reliably maintained project. New versions are published regularly, problems are responded to quickly and there is an active community. The following criteria apply:

  • All level 1 criteria
  • At least 1 release or 1 Git tag (publications) has been created in the last 6 months.

Level 3: Crisis-proof maintenance

The project fulfills the requirements for a crisis-proof maintained project. New versions are published regularly, problems are responded to quickly and there is a broad and active community. The following criteria apply:

  • All level 1 and 2 criteria
  • The project has a bus factor (a measure of the risk that arises when information and skills are not shared among team members) of at least 2 over the 6-month period, which means that several users who are significantly involved in the development are actively contributing to the project.

Reuse Badge Kopiert!

Open source stands for more than just software development: it is a concept based on transparency, the value of joint development and the open exchange of knowledge.

Making active software users visible helps others with implementation or further development and is therefore a high priority for openCode.

Projects can earn a badge through the contribution of registered public administration employees and contractors. This helps other registered users to implement or further develop the application. The aim is to ensure that only productive applications that are in the interest of the public sector are published.

Level 1: Ready for use

  • At least one package has been released in the last 6 months. Package systems facilitate the installation and use of the software.
  • There has been at least one successful CI-pipeline in the last 6 months. A continuous integration run indicates that the project is subject to regular automated testing, which allows errors to be detected early and the quality of the software to be ensured.

Level 2: Actively Reused

The project is used productively by at least one organization. The following criteria apply:

  • All level 1 criteria
  • At least one organization is actively using the project. Find out more about active re-use.

Level 3: Frequently Actively Reused

The project is used productively by at least 10 organizations. The following criteria apply:

  • All level 1 and 2 criteria
  • At least 10 organizations actively use the project. Find out more about active re-use.

Open Source Badge Kopiert!

This badge indicates whether a project is “open source”. All public projects on openCode must have a valid, approved license. It is therefore generally assumed that all projects on openCode are “open source”. It is therefore a manually assigned badge that is issued by the openCode team.